It’s true. It’s there. And It’s good. Read more for details.

The Flying Pig Pub claims that it’s the only place west of the Mississippi river that serves Cincinnati Style Chili. While I doubt it’s true that this is the only place, it is indeed a very good place to get the brown stuff from heaven.

Flying Pig sign hangs out front
78 South First St
(between Santa Clara and San Fernando streets)
San Jose, CA 95113
408 298 6710
11:30am-2am Tue-Sat; 3:30pm-2am Mon
They do indeed offer Cincinnati Chili served in it’s proper forms. 3-way, 4-way and 5-way. Along with the Cheese Coney (with mustard and onions).


Cheese Coney (without onions or mustard) — seen from the end
The chili, while definitely in the Cincinnati style, doesn’t match Skyline or Goldstar. They tend toward a slightly more spicy version. Very good, while a little heavy on the onion, turmeric, and perhaps coriander.
The service is fantastic, the beer selection good. The other menu items include standard pub fare — burgers, etc.

The front of the Flying Pig Pub
Overall a great place to stop when you are in the area. Especially if you are jonesing for the some of Cincinnati’s most famous culinary dish.